New SmartThings Platform

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What happens when the subscription expires
When your license expires, you can still continue using the installed drivers, however you will stop getting updates for the drivers and you cannot reinstall the drivers until you renew your license and re-subscribe to the latest channel.

  • How to program lock user codes
For the new platform lock drivers, here are the options to program lock codes and names (also temporary replacement options for hosts using legacy RLA/LUM/LMAPI):
  1. Install Smart Lock Guest Access (SLGA) from the Life tab in the SmartThings mobile app. This app will allow you to manually create/delete users on your locks

  2. Use the SmartThings Advanced Web App from your mobile/desktop browser and select your lock to create/delete users. On the device page look for the "Commands" section and use the "setCode" and "deleteCode" buttons to create/replace and delete user codes. "nameSlot" can be used to rename the users.
    Use this method to program RFID tag codes for Zigbee keypads through SmartThings

  • I'm not able to see all the user codes on the SmartThings mobile app
The SmartThings mobile app cuts off the text after the first 2 lines. To get a complete list of programed codes, open the the SmartThings Advanced Web App from your mobile/desktop browser and select your device. On the device page look for the "Attributes" section and search for "userCodeStatus". Under the "value" column you will find the list of all the programmed user names and codes for each slot. If the list is too long to display click on the  icon to copy all the codes to the clipboard.

  • My lock / keypad is having trouble pairing with the hub
  1. If you're using a Z-Wave device, you need to first exclude your device before you can pair it with the hub. See these instructions on how to exclude your device.

  2. Please ensure that your device is within 20ft of a buffering device. If there is no buffering device between the lock and the hub the device may have issues communicating because these z-wave device require a buffering device and the hub does NOT buffer messages.

  • I'm not receiving notifications when I operate the lock / keyad
Please ensure that your device is within 20ft of a buffering device. If there is no buffering device between the lock and the hub the device may have issues communicating because these z-wave device require a buffering device and the hub does NOT buffer messages. Even if the device is right next to the hub, it may have issues because of the lack of buffering which is required for these devices to operate in a z-wave mesh.

  • My keypad isn't synchronizing with Home Monitor
  1. Try to uninstall and reinstall Home Monitor from the Life tab. Reinstalling  usually resolves the issue.
  2. Check that Home Monitor Integration option is enabled in the keypad settings page.
  3. Check that the keypad is selected in the Home Monitor -> Settings (gear icon) -> Security -> Devices linked to security mode